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Awards & Recognition

Top Rankers Subject Cut-offs

For participants appearing for UMO, USO, UEO, UGKO, UCTO (Grades 2 to 11) and UGMO, UGSO, UGEO (Grades 2 to 10), the awards and recognition are as follows:

  • keyboard_arrow_rightOverall Top 3 participants in each subject from Grades 2-11 will be awarded with Scholar's Trophy and Certificate of Excellence.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightTop 3 participants (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 participants in a class appearing for an Olympiad exam will be awarded with a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Excellence.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightTop 10% of overall participants or those who have Zonal ranks less than or equal to 10 will be awarded with a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Excellence.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightTop 25% participants will be awarded with a Certificate of Excellence.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightTop 25 to 50% participants will be eligible for a digital Certificate of Appreciation. Participants registered though school will get a hard copy of Certificate of Appreciation.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightRemaining 50% participants will be awarded a digital Certificate of Participation. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightIf a participant meets 2 or more criteria then he/she will qualify for a higher award.

For participants appearing for UMO, USO and UEO (Grade 1), and UGMO, UGSO, UGEO (Grades KG & 1), the awards and recognition are as follows:

  • keyboard_arrow_rightAll participants scoring more than 60% will be sent a Certificate of Excellence and a Medal.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightRemaining participants will be awarded a digital Certificate of Participation. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightNo ranks or percentile will be declared for all the participants.

For participants appearing for UGKE (Grades 2-11), the awards and recognition are as follows:

  • keyboard_arrow_rightAll participants who are in top 25% will be awarded with a digital Certificate of Excellence.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightAll participants who are in top 25-50% will be awarded with a digital Certificate of Appreciation.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightRemaining participants will be awarded with a digital Certificate of Participation.
  • keyboard_arrow_rightTop 50% students will also qualify for Unicus General Knowledge Olympiad (UGKO) and compete with students from across the globe Free of Charge.