With so many Olympiad exams around, you should read the following before you offer these exams to your students
For classes 1 to 11, the fee per subject per student is INR 225 for students studying and residing in India. It is USD 15 per subject per student for students studying and residing outside India. Please note that for class 1, the subjects offered are English, Mathematics and Science only.
The fees must be deposited to the Company's Official Bank Account only:
Current A/c Name: Olympiad Square
Account Number: 014064700000202
Bank Name: Yes Bank, Vatika Business Park, Ground Floor, Sohna Road, Badshahpur, Gurgaon, Haryana
IFSC Code: YESB0000140
If your school is looking for Unicus Olympiads registration then the school Olympiad coordinators can fill the below form. Our representative will contact you within 24 working hours.