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Unicus Mathematics Olympiad Class 1 Sample Paper

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Classic Section: Numbers (1-200); Number Names (1-50); 1 digit Addition and Subtraction; Addition and Subtraction with and without Objects or Pictures; Before, After, Between Number (1-100); Forward and Backward Counting (1-50); Putting Signs like ‘>’, ‘<’ and ‘=’; Skip Counting 2, 5 & 10; Shapes - Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Diamond, Oval, Semi-Circle; Colours: Black, White, Pink, Orange, Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, Blue (Shades – Light & Dark); Basic Measurements of Time and Money; Basic Concepts: Big-Small, Front-Back, Full-Empty, Heavy-Light, In-Out, More-Less, Right-Left, Same-Different, Tall-Short, Thick-Thin, Top-Bottom.

Scholar Section: Higher Order Thinking Skills based questions - Syllabus as per Classic Section

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:
